Izobraževanje odraslih iskanje

Adult education at Gimnazija Poljane

In the adult education department, we offer four different programs in which individuals can enroll depending on their previous education.

These programs are:
  • High School General Studies
  • High School Classical Studies
  • Matura Course
  • Preparation for Matura

After successfully completing the fourth year of high school or the Matura Course, participants take the school leaving exam, “Matura”. Those who have’;t finished high school or the Matura Course but are or will be at least 21 years old in the year they wish to take the school leaving exam, can also take the exam after completing the Preparation for Matura.

By passing the Matura exam, participants can apply for further education at all levels.
For more information, contact us at odrasli@gimnazija-poljane.si.
With the completed Matura exam, participants are qualified to apply for enrolment in higher education programs at all levels.

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